Total price: €920
Registration fee: €220
Remaining fee: €700 (€750 including chamber music)
It includes:
- 11 overnight stays (accomodation and breakfast) from July 30st to 10th in the morning at the Diocesan Seminary of Solsona or similar.
- 10 lunches (from August 1st to 9th, both included) in a restaurant in the center of Solsona.
- 4 individual lessons.
- Access as a listener to the lessons of all professors.
- Possibility of receiving chamber music lessons.
- Rehearsals with accompanying pianists.
- Concert tickets.
- Free transportation to concerts outside of Solsona. Minors may travel whenever possible accompanied by our monitors.
- Participation in the orchestra (only selected students). For more information, see AIMS Orchestra.
Does not include:
- Chamber music with assigned group and professor.
- Dinners are not included. We usually have concerts and trips planned. These are good times for students to get to know each other.
If, in addition to receiving your individual instrument lessons, you want to add working with a chamber group with other young musicians and have a professor for your group, tell us by the time you register and by paying only a small amount extra, you will have two! extra lessons and more possibilities to perform in concerts!
Extra price: €50 (total individual course + chamber music: €920 + €50 = €970)
Includes two one-hour lessons with a professor.
Students who are members of ESTA Spain will have a 10% discount. Request an active membership certificate from and send it to
Additional features:
- For those students who, due to their travel schedule, have to arrive a day before or leave a day later, we can arrange additional accomodation and breakfast. They will have to pay €25 per night. If you want or need an extra lunch, it will be necessary to pay the amount of €12/meal in advance.
- If any student wants an extra lesson with a professor, it can be arranged as long as the professor agrees and is available. The amount will be €65/lesson and it will be mandatory to pay it alltogether with the second payment.